Claiming Credits for your Completed Program 

After you have completed your program learn how to claim your credits and print your certificate.  

Note: Continuing Education Credits & Contact Hours are only available with a paid individual or group subcribcription. A certificate of completion is available with a Free Student subscription at the completion of the Open School's Basic 13 course curriculum.

If you encounter issues with claiming a certificate for a course taken prior to July 1, 2023 please contact us for technical support by submitting a support ticket here  or emailing us to [email protected]

Remember to claim your credits as soon as possible after you complete a course, as there is a limited time that you can claim credits.
  1. Visit the IHI Education Platform.
  2. Sign in with your MyIHI username and password.
  3. From the homepage, select Go to your Learning Center.
    screenshot of Education Platform homepage with Learning Center highlighted
  4. Once you complete all program activities, your program will appear under the Completed tab of your Learning Center.
    screenshot of Learning Center with Completed tab highlighted
  5. Click Claim Credits.
    screenshot of claim credits page
  6. Check the box next to the credit type that you would like to claim, please only claim the credits type you need.  Claiming multiple credit types may cause a longer delay in the certificate populating.  If you are a student, unless you have been instructed otherwise, please claim General Attendance. Click Submit. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your selection. Note: once you click Submit, your selection is final. You can add an additional credit type, but you cannot undo the previously selected option. Note: This is not available with the Free Student Subscription.
    screenshots of claim credits screen
  7. You will return to your Learning Center.
  8. To find your printable Certificate, visit your Certificate Center
  9. Click the link in the Credit Type column to generate your certificate. NOTE: It can take up to 24 hours for your certificate to populate.
  10. On the following screen, Click the button just above your certificate to download a PDF of your certificate.
    screenshot of certificate page with download icon highlighted

Remember to claim your credits as soon as possible after you complete a course, as there is a limited time that you can claim credits. If you have completed courses and credits those credits will appear under the Credits tab of your IHI portal
Note: Continuing Education Credits & Contact Hours are only available with a paid individual or group subcribcription. A certificate of completion is available with a Free Student subscription at the completion of the Open School's Basic 13 course curriculum. 
If you encounter issues with claiming a certificate for a course taken prior to July 1, 2023
 please contact us for technical support by submitting a support ticket here  or emailing us to [email protected]